Friday, August 24, 2012

So VERY Thankful!!!!

We were driving away from the doctor's office after school today and Lena said, "Mom, I love everything about my life - absolutely everything!"  And, then she repeated herself three times with great excitement!  It was as if she just had to say it three times.

She went on to explain all the things she loves about her life right now.  She made the volleyball team at her new school and is pumped about that.  She loves all the girls on her team, too.

She went to her first FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meeting this morning and loved it.   There were 30+ kids at the first meeting and she was told the attendance will double by the end of the year.

She's excited about our new church and the potential that exists there among kids her age.  She'll be in youth group soon.  How did that happen so fast?!?

And, she loves school.  School is just great for Lena.  Great teachers, great friends - even after just 8 days.

Not to mention, she says about every other day that she loves our new house and neighborhood.  Lets just say, things are going fabulously for this 12 year old kid!

I just cannot tell you how thankful I am for the obvious ways that the Lord is taking care of our kids.  It is simply remarkable. 

Here are a few more examples.

We found out Wednesday at the 7th grade open house that Lena's choir teacher went to a bi-lingual school in Berlin, Germany when she was in elementary school.  She looked us in the eyes and said, "I totally get Lena.  I was her when I was a kid."  How amazing is that?

And, there's a boy in Todd's class who is from the Congo.  Todd asked him the first day of school if he speaks French, and the little boy said, "Yeah, a little."  Are you kidding me?!?  Amazing!

Now, I challenge you to open a new tab on your browser and go to  Type in Marion, Indiana and really take a look at where we live.  We are in the middle of small town farm country.  Also, check out the population of each of the towns in our area:  Marion, where we live is 30,000 people.  The neighboring towns where our kids go to school are Converse, Indiana (population 1200) and Sweetser, Indiana (population 1200) and Swayzee, Indiana (population 981).  Is it not just crazy that Todd has a child from the Congo in his class? 

Then, there is Ryan.  He has only ever done school in French.  He's a really good reader in both French and English, but when it comes to writing, it is very clear he is much more comfortable writing his thoughts in French.

Ryan has the capacity to write well in English, but it is going to take work for him to get strong in this.  This is a critical year for him to really grab hold of English.  So, guess which teacher and which subject is Ryan's favorite so far!?!?!?!  He came home saying ENGLISH WRITING is his favorite class!!!!  He loves, loves, loves, loves his writing teacher.  This is so very huge for him!  Halleluia!!!  The Lord is providing just what Ryan needs most right now in school.  Yeah!

I just marvel.  And, I am just so thankful.  I have believed that the Lord would be always mindful of what is best for each member of our family - whether in the USA or some foreign country, and it is evident that this is definitely true.  We don't always get to see it, but right now it is so clear. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that He is on the throne, and He is directing our paths.   Yeah God!!!


  1. So happy for your family and the ease of this transition back into American schools.

    So thankful for your reminder that the Lord is always mindful of what is best for us as he directs our paths.

    Am rejoicing with you that you can see that so clearly right now.

  2. What an awesome report, Jill! Yay, God! It does my heart so much good to hear all of that! :-)

    Love you all sooooooooooooo much!

    Julie for us 3
